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the following information comes from 3q2008.com

Ticket Servers for Network Traffic Prioritization
Cory C. Beard1,3 and Victor S. Frost2
For broadband packet networks  ticket servers using an agent communication language;
then a ticket server intelligent agent determines how valuable of a ticket to issue. Use
of ticket servers and agent communication enables quick adaptation to dynamic context
changes and provides user feedback so that high priority communication activities can
be conducted effectively.
KEYWORDS: Priority; ticket servers; resource management; emergency management.

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

Modern broadband data networks are being designed to integrate all types of
multimedia traffic. More  with disaster response—that tremendous stress is
placed on these networks. In New York City, most notably the stress was on
1Computer Science/Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 5100 Rockhill Road,
Kansas City, Missouri 64110. E-mail: beardc@umkc.edu
2Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045. E-mail:

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

3To whom correspondence should be addressed.
1064-7570/03/0600-0151/0 C_2003 Plenum Publishing Corporation
152 Beard and Frost
  public Internet. Aside networks will increasingly be seen on the public

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

NS/EP users currently use the public Internet for outreach, information sharing,
and electronic mail.  teams, applications to assess extent of damage,
and medical information and image exchange.

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

This paper specifically addresses the issue of network resource availability
for NS/EP network communications. It is common in NS/EP contexts for the
availability of network resources to be severely restricted in the aftermath of a major
event [6–9]. In some cases,  to stay on the line until they could get information
([9], p. 356). Overloaded circuits also made it very difficult for off-duty emergency
workers to call the emergency command center when they received a page to come
help with the emergency.

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

Serving priority users in NS/EP situations involves providing a so-called
“emergency lane” for priority traffic [12] where important resource requests are
given priority access to  Emergency Multimedia Service (IEMS)
Ticket Servers for Network Traffic Prioritization 153
[15]. Substantial work has also been conducted by the Internet Emergency PreparednessWorking

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) [16, 17].
When resources are scarce,  be given greater access to resources (i.e., noncongested

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

network access). During congestion that occurs in normal conditions,
those of greater importance to network operators would be those which have
greater revenue-generating capability. During exceptional conditions like emergencies work proposes a mechanism for doing just that.
Traffic management mechanisms to preferentially handle priority traffic are being
developed elsewhere [13–16]; this work addresses how those priority flows are
first identified and authorized.
1.1. Requirements

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

Exceptional conditions can occur suddenly and the context in which the network
would be operating would be highly dynamic. Effective administration of
priorities in such circumstances  be considered high priority—A simple
approach to administering priorities would be to assign static priorities
based on user identity. This would not be sufficient during a crisis, however.
Network resource allocation should more closely match the E-911
paradigm where any user at any time could be experiencing or observing
an event which would  the following information comes from 3q2008.com

3. Transference of priorities across multiple network domains—Priority assignments
should be consistent  domains. While most of such capabilities would
likely be developed through contractual and trust arrangements between

the following information comes from 3q2008.com

本设计讲述如何建立一个航空公司管理信息系统。一般而言,航空公司的管理信息系统应该包括人事、工资管理模块 。
1 系统设计
1.1 系统功能分析
l 舱位信息的输入和修改,包括舱位等级编号、舱位等级名称、提供的各种服务类别,以及备注信息等。
l 客机信息的输入、修改和查询,包括客机编号、客机型号、购买时间、服役时间、经济舱座位数量、公务舱座位数量、头等舱座位数量以及备注信息等。
l 航线信息的输入、修改和查询,包括航线编号、出发城市、到达城市、航班日期、出发时间、到达时间、客机编号、经济舱价格、公务舱价格、头等舱价格和备注信息等。
l 客户等级信息的输入、修改,包括客户等级编号、客户等级名称、折扣比例和备注信息等。
l 客户信息的输入、修改和查询,包括客户编号、客户姓名、客户性别、身份证号码、联系电话、客户类型和备注信息等。
l 订票信息的输入、查询和修改,包括订票编号、客户编号、客户姓名、客户类型、折扣比例、航线编号、出发城市、到达城市、出发时间、舱位类型、票价、结算金额和备注信息等。
1.2 系统功能模块设计

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